
Showing posts from July, 2020


Yiepsie It is not possible to have knowledge of each and everything in the world. I feel that books are our best friends but even books are not able to share some of life's experiences.  Einstein has said, The only source of knowledge is experience. As a mother, I will say that it is not ethical to make your child a book worm. Indulge your child in practical work instead of a theoretical one. Stop telling him that water in the glass is hot, instead let him experience the heat. Personal experiences are teachers by themselves. Having a personal bad experience will make your child aware not to repeat the mistake. I also believe in sharing my experiences with my kids. This includes both negative as well as positive. Your child follows your footsteps and sharing will save him from repeating the same mistake which you have made.  Share your successes and failures in the form of a story. In this way, your child will always be enthusiastic about listening to you. Through your stories, the


Yiepsie, Dr. Haim said Children are like wet cement. whatever falls on them makes an impression. As a parent, i t is our moral duty to educate our child for the best. But the best can only come if we give them the best environment. It is not ethical to keep a child busy in studies or games. Even a child needs entertainment in his life. The entertainment at home can come in the form of gardening, reading, painting, project making, watching television, movies, playing video games or playing online games, etc. Each and every type of entertainment educates and keeps your child engaged. You should choose their source of entertainment wisely. Among all the sources of entertainment, watching serials and reality shows on television does not impart a positive impression and it also brings the early hormonal changes in children. Do not allow children to watch cartoon serials for a long time because your child will start acting like one. Show movies to your child according to their age. As a todd


Yiepsie, Your child is your wealth and pride. So you must teach him manners and it should be started at an early age. Teach him about right and wrong. Put efforts to make your child a good person instead of a successful one. Any child can be successful but only a well-taught and well-mannered child will become a good person. Sometimes a child's tender age and innocence do not allow him to listen to his parents. Thus parents must teach him mannerism by putting their all efforts. I believe that while dealing with children one parent should be strict and the other should be lenient or they can take turns in becoming strict and lenient. If both parents are strict then it will lead to fear, rebellion, anger, depression. If both parents are lenient then your child will become underachiever, will lack confidence during tough times and overprotectiveness will become their weakness. These days the scenario is that parents pamper their child a lot. They do not hurt his emotions. This is wro


Yiepsie  Famous author CINDY CASHMAN said, When you talk to your child, mostly listen. The child and mother share an unbreakable bond. He depends on his parents especially his mother, emotionally throughout his life. I must say that it is in the hands of the mother to make this bond stronger day by day.  The easiest way is that your child must expose his heart to you. And this can only be done when he talks and you listen.  Start listening to your child from a young age. His small talks are mesmerizing. The words he uses at this age remain in the heart of the mother throughout her life.  When schooling starts your child experiences new things. Listen to your child what he tells about his class, teachers, friends, bus, etc. Remember the name of his friends. Ask about them frequently. Listen to them also when they visit you. Cherish their talks. The more you listen, the more he will tell. Listen to his successes and failures, Laugh on his jokes. Console when he cries. Soo


Yiepsie Extracurricular    Activity is  that which falls outside the realm of the normal curriculum of school education, performed by students. It  exists for all students. The biggest question in the mind of a working mom is that, should I involve my child in extracurricular activities? Should I burden him with extra work besides studies? Then my answer is  YES YES YES. If your child can bear the load, then push him a bit more every time. This will prepare him for the upcoming challenges of the world.   These days schools give a calendar of all the events and activities before the start of the session. Mothers can check the calendar and can help their child to start practicing for activity at home.  Indulge your child in extracurricular activities from a young age. I use to make sure that my kids participate in at least two extracurricular activities in one class. Participation is a must, but never push your child to win a prize or get the top position. If you do so then your child m


Yiepsie Here comes Sunday. It's fun and family time. Mothers should make food from kids' choices. She should make him feel like a prince or princess. She may involve her child in preparing delicacies like cookies, cakes, idlis, etc. Ask him to do some kitchen errands. This is a day to follow the proverb, "All work and no play makes Jack dull boy." Kids should be indulged in indoor as well as outdoor games. Parents and grandparents should play with their children. This helps in bonding with family. As the child gets older give your child time to play with his friends. By this, he will learn the value of friendship and teamwork. Indulge your child into indoor games like ludo for fun, scrabble, and chess for mental sharpness. Outdoor games like table tennis, lawn tennis, badminton are good. I will insist on games like football, hockey, basketball, volleyball instead of cricket. Cricket is not a physically demanding game like the other ones. Assure your child cho


Yiepsie  Getting an education is the sole purpose for which the child is separated from his family. So it is important to maintain the level of studies both at school and at home.  We will talk about homework which is a necessary evil for the child.  Schools have started teaching students in a playful manner, which is no doubt a good step. But I do have a different view. I think making a base for studies should start at a young age. Otherwise, it will become very difficult to catch up with the higher-level studies. We should prepare a child for tomorrow by sacrificing a bit of today. So I say whether the school gives homework or not, parents should impart homework to their children themselves. If your child is given homework by the school then make sure that your child completes it on the same day. Besides insist on reading a chapter in advance. This will help him to understand chapters better when taught in class by the teacher.  To be honest I use to write and draw in my kid


Yiepsie Let's talk about Tiffin. I know it is very difficult for working moms to prepare and maintain a healthy Tiffin for your child. I can suggest a few solutions for giving healthy food to your sweetheart. First of all, try giving two tiffins to your child. One of them should be big enough to attain 10-12  grapes or 3-4 slices of an apple, pear, etc, or 6-7 slices of orange, etc. I mean to say that one Tiffin should be a small box only for fruit.  The other Tiffin should include at least 2 varieties of food. let's say you can give small chapati with vegetable and 1 homemade cupcake. Or you can give a sandwich along with homemade cookies. Giving different varieties will not only be healthy but it will increase the interest of your child is eating. Also if he doesn't like one thing on a particular day, he will eat the other one. This means he will not stay hungry during school hours. Mothers can check on the homemade easy recipes for Tiffin on the internet.  Always rem


Yiepsie If your child is 3 years old. Its time to start studies. Playway school has taught him how to face the challenges of school. The clock is ticking so the child has to move according to it. Waking a child is one of the biggest challenges for mothers. To wake the child early follow the proverb,  Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy wealthy and wise . Sleeping early and so waking up early is a good habit and it should be started at an early age. For these mothers have to sacrifice watching TV or the internet. Once the child is awake ask him to go to the toilet. Make sure that your child passes the stool (poop) in the morning. This will make him healthy and non irritable. He will remain energetic throughout the day. After brushing and taking a bath helps your child to wear clothes and shoes. I know your child is very young but sooner you ask him to get ready by himself the sooner he will shift to the next challenges of life. Also, this will help working


Yiepsie ...  At last, I got a chance to write my blog. Now I am blogger too. I wanted to write a blog, not only to share my feelings but also to know how you feel.   After thinking a lot about what to write in my first blog I came to the conclusion that I should write about one of the dearest and sensitive part of my life and that is my KIDS. Kids are the most precious gem of our life. Every person struggles a lot to raise their kids to make them a perfect person. And even it is more difficult to make your child study.  I am a working mother and I would like to share a few tips on how to raise a kid along with raising their levels of studies. Child in India starts going to school at the tender age of 2 years. Playway schools are for innocent years. Although a child is too young to study anything still he has a brain to learn a lot. This is the first time child is away from family and home especially from his mother's coziness. He is all alone by himself against the whole